Exam programmes


Dutch Exam programmes

You can find the best perfect examination trainings at LanguageOne. Our teachers can prepare Dutch-speaking pupils aged 16-18 for the Dutch exam. The diplomas offer an excellent opportunity for admission to Dutch further education.

We train for:

  • the (bilingual) IB diploma Dutch A
  • the (bilingual) IB diploma Dutch B
  • the CNaVT (Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language) exam

Need help making the right choice?

IB programmes: in-class or online

The IB Dutch A lesson language programme is provided in class or online. The IB Dutch B lesson language programme can be followed at some of our locations. You can find more information about our curriculums here. Would you like to know more about the IB Dutch lesson language programmes? Watch this video in which one of our pupils named Chiara, studying at a LanguageOne school, shares her experiences.


The CNaVT-exam can be taken at different levels. Our pupils generally take the Exam ‘Educatief Startbekwaam’ (previously B2 level). This exam is specifically for higher educated adults (18+) and young people (16+) who follow secondary education abroad. Their aim is to start a study at a Flemish or Dutch college or university.

Dutch ATAR

In Australia, pupils in secondary school can do exam in Dutch that counts for the ATAR-score. The exam tests writing, reading, listening and oral skills.
Please contact Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

An exam student shares her experiences

Dutch education abroad?

Please contact us today for a free consultation.